Hampton Roads Base US Submarine Veterans Inc.
Hall of Fame Boat Program
The Hall of Fame Boat program is a Submarine Recognition Program that serves the submarine community by recognizing one Submarine of exceptional merit each year. The HoF Program and those submarines nominated are wholly conceived, voted upon, and approved, by members of the Hampton Roads Base of the USSVI.org. Formal recognition of the successful candidate boat is provided by the Submarine Learning Facility in Norfolk VA. See Rules and the 2019 HoF submissions below and all Past Winners beyond...
** Rules **
Section 1: The Submarine Hall of Fame is a coordinated event to honor post World War II submarines that have contributed to the advancement of Undersea Warfare.
Section 2: For a submarine to be considered for the Submarine Hall of Fame it (the submarine to include the crew at the time of the event) must have contributed to advancements in Undersea Engineering or Undersea Tactics/Warfare.
Section 3: A member in good standing will be appointed to coordinate the collection of nominations from membership at large (to include acceptance of nominations submitted through the internet or by mail).
Section 4: All nominations are presented during the October meeting of the Base for consideration by the base membership. That select members pick from these nominations and research presentations to be made during the November meeting.
Section 5: During the November Base meeting presentations shall be made in support of the submarines being considered as the Hall of Fame Boat.
Section 6: During the December Base meeting voting is held to select the inductee to the Submarine Hall of Fame for the following year. That at the completion of the voting the chairman of the Hall of Fame Committee will coordinate with the Submarine Learning Facility to construct a shadow box for the presentation in May of the following year.
Past Hall of Fame Boat Program Winners
1999 - USS NORFOLK (SSN714)
First Navy Ship to have all Tomahawks land on target.
2000 - USS NARWAHL (SSN671)
25 years of special operations.
2001 - USS NAUTILUS (SSN571)
First Nuclear Submarine.
2002 - USS IREX (SS 482)
First Fleet Snorkel Submarine.
2003 - USS TRITON (SSN586)
First to circumnavigate the world submerged.
2004 - USS GRENADIER (SS 525) -
Forced a Soviet ZULU to surface, proving the USSR was conducting deterrent patrols.
2005 - USS ALBACORE (AGSS 569)
First in modern hydro-dynamic design.
2006 - USS SKATE (SSN578)
1st to surface at the geographic North Pole.
2007 - USS GROWLER (SSG577)
First in the Regulus program.
2008 - USS PARCHE (SSN683)
Most decorated ship in the Navy.
2009 - USS LAPON (SSN661)
First Ballistic Missile Submarine
2011 - USS HALIBUT (SSGN587)
2012 - USS BATFISH (SSN681)
2014 USS PICKEREL (SS 524)
Longest snorkel transit from Hong Kong to Pearl Harbor.
2015 - USS Skipjack (SSN585)
First nuclear submarine with the Albacore (Tear-Drop) hull.
2016 - USS Bergall (SSN667)
BQQ-5 Initial Opeval/Tech Eval
2017 - USS Requinn (SS/SSR481)
Radar Pickett Operations in North Atlantic
2018 - USS Memphis (SSN691)
Designated R&D Boat
2019 - USS Baton Rouge (SSN689)
2020 - USS Spadefish (SSN668)
2022 - USS Hyman G. Rickover (SSN709)
2023 - USS Atlanta (SSN712)
2024 - USS L Mendel Rivers (SSN686)
2025 - USS Henry Clay (SSN625)